About Me
Throughout my life, I’ve always been driven by intellectual challenges.
I became a researcher in Particle Physics, where I could contribute to expanding our knowledge of Nature. After finishing my Postdoctoral studies, I became interested in applying knowledge I had accumulated into real world problems.
Along this new journey that started 10 years ago, I have been mainly interested in Neuro-inspired architectures like Deep Learning and HD computing and their applications as well as building complex solutions like Conversational Agents, Collaborative Systems, Retrieval Engines, Automatised Software Generation and Generative Models.
In the past years, I have been working in different setups, interacting with talended individuals in well established and fast growing companies as well as leading own startups as a CEO. This helped me to develope good communicational skills amd succesfully operate in a fast-changing environment.
- 12 co-publications in numerical particle physics, collaborating with medium size teams
- 3 self founded Startups (TaxiQ, Plex AI, Neurotrophic Labs) and as many collaborations
- Early collaborations with some of the most ambitious and best financed european startups (Dataffirm, Constellation AI, Media Players, Jua AI)
- Over 10 documents in publication format (latex) featuring among others a recent publication (2023) of the currently most accurate precipitation weather model
- the building of several innovative technologies (TaxiQ, HD encoder for SDR’s, Neurotrophic Labs patient modelling and search, Humbaba, transliteration learner from graph, …)